New Year Resolution

Oh the news… It doesn’t bear listening to, does it?

So my new year’s resolution is to turn my attention away from the gloom to other things.

Like the garden. Which from a distance might not seem to be doing too much at the moment, but when you look more closely is most definitely showing signs of promise.

These snowdrops have appeared from nowhere – different from all the other snowdrops in my garden: flowering earlier, fatter leaves. It’s one of the things I love most about gardening, the way uninvited guests can give the most pleasure.
Undaunted! This is Narcissus Jenny pushing her way up through the mulch I spread in November.
Aconites – the first signs that winter is on its way out!
I will never tire of Hellebores!
Hamamelis Arnold’s Promise is gearing up for some serious scent action.
The lion heads of Euphorbia wulfenii preparing to roar.
More hellebore heaven.
This is the first glimpse of the blue Anemone Blanda emerging from its blanket of mulch.
Rosa Winchester Cathedral! In January!

I might not be able to stop all the crap that goes on in the world. But I can get relief from it by shifting my focus when it all gets too much for me.

Not only does what’s going on in my garden lift my spirits. But it reassures me that there are green shoots at the bleakest times. And it reminds me of better days to come.

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